non-invoiced Payments

Your contact name
A valid contact name is needed
Your organisation name
    Please enter your organisation name, if any
Your contact address postcode
    We can use a valid Tandridge district postcode<br/> to search for the Your contact address<br />If your address is outside Tandridge<br/>please complete the contact address box below in full      
If the address is in the Tandridge district please enter the postcode to find your contact address
If your address is outside Tandridge please complete the contact address box below in full
Your contact address
An address is needed
Your telephone number
    Please enter a valid telephone number<br/>with area code
A valid telephone number is needed
Your email address
A valid email address is needed
Reference type
No Fund Selected
    Please enter a valid reference type for this payment
A valid reference type for this payment is needed
Payment reference
    Please enter a valid Payment reference for this payment
A valid reference for this payment is needed
Amount payable
    Enter amount payable in figures eg. £123.50
A valid amount payable is needed
The TDC email address to send notification to
    Please enter a valid email address for TDC
A valid TDC email address is needed for this payment
Any other information of this payment     Please add any other information for this payment

It is your responsibility to ensure that the information entered on the form is accurate. Tandridge District Council cannot be held accountable for any inaccuracies entered by the user.”

Protecting your data

We know how important keeping your personal data secure and safe is. It's very important to us too.
We only collect and keep personal information about you so we can provide the services you need, to help us keep details about those services and our contact with you.
We will only share your personal data to help us provide services. View our Privacy Notice

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