Environmental Health
complaint form
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Please use this form to submit your complaint.
Your name
A valid name is needed
Address postcode
If the address is in the Tandridge District please enter the postcode to find your address.
Otherwise enter your full address in the box below
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A valid address is needed
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Telephone number
The entered telephone number is invalid
A valid telephone number is needed
Email address
The entered email address is invalid
Select your type of complaint
Noise complaint
Bonfire complaint
Animal welfare
Food Hygiene
Food complaint
Health and safety at work complaint
Other Choice
Please provide a brief description of your complaint type?
You must provide a complaint type
You must enter a complaint type
Please describe the nature of the complaint
This description of the events of the complaint is required
Premises involved
This description of the Premises is required
Postcode of premise (if known)
What form does the noise pollution take?
Dog barking
Loud music
Noisy neighbors
Other noise
Please provide a brief description of your noise pollition?
You must provide a noise pollution type
You must enter a noise pollution type
Please give details of the noise pollution, describing the noise and the frequency.
This description of the events of the Noise Pollution is required
Please provide the address of noise source or description of the location.
This description of the Premises is required
Any other information
Date of complaint incident
Please proivide a date of the complaint incident
The entered date of the complaint incident is invalid
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Thank you for your submission
Thank you for your submission, which has been received with reference
Please note that we do not send a separate acknowledgement.
Your complaint will be automatically sent to the relevant officer, who will contact you within a maximum of three working days
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