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Trees on verges and highways are the responsibility of Surrey County Council.
Trees on private roads are looked after by the property owners.
Private roads are not maintained by Tandridge District Council and therefore we cannot progress your request.

Trees at the roadside (public roads, pathways, pavements and verges by them) – Surrey County Council (SCC) looks after these and makes sure owners of private land next to roads keep their trees in a safe condition.
Report concerns to Surrey County Council
We have no authority to intervene in a tree dispute regarding private land. However you have a legal right to cut back any branches that are overhanging your property. Before you cut back any trees you need to find out if it's protected by a tree preservation order or situated within a conservation area. If a tree is protected you will need to obtain permission for works to it. The Arboricultural Association's Arboricultural Practice Note 11 (PDF) is a useful guide to the law relating to trees and hedges.' Submit button/further questions are hidden.

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