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Call for Sites application form

If you would like to promote a site or sites for potential development, then please complete this online form. Please answer all questions fully and accurately and use a new form for each site.

Please include sites which:
  • Are likely to become available for development in the next 15 years.
  • Can accommodate five or more dwellings for residential or are greater than 0.25 hectares in size or 500 square metres of floorspace for economic development.
Please do not submit sites which are entirely outside the district’s boundary.

When you are ready to submit this form, please include a scaled (preferably 1: 1250) Ordnance Survey map showing the sites boundaries outlined in red and at least two street names.

Please submit your form and map by 11.59pm on 17 March 2024.

All submissions are made on a without prejudice basis. The Council, in searching for available sites, is not making any commitments regarding them.

Contact details 

Page 2

Site information 

eg. 51.256992

eg. 0.000458

Page 3

Land use 

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Utilities and access